Surviving Paradise… Link
Save Mount Saos for Life to Grow... Link
Nature Glows with Magic Moments... Link
Nature Glows with Magic Moments... Link
Samothraki Waterfalls, Beautiful Nature’s Flowing Waters… link
Moon-Light Wanderers’ Guide to Fengari, Mountain of the Moon, Samothraki… Link

The sunken harbour beneath the sea is strewn with massive blocks of marble and stone in a volume suggesting a previously existing structure of large walls or fortification, perhaps citadel. For context, this is a harbour larger than Butrint, and larger than Ephesus, or Leptis Magna, both major imperial grain shipment harbours feeding empires. The city of Samothraki was thus quite obviously a regional super power commanding the primary naval and maritime trade routes across the primary east-west regional navigation artery of the Thracian Sea, which benefitted from relatively calmer seas than the open North Aegean on the other side of the Mountain. Especially puzzling is why this location would demand such a large infrastructure investment in its island location exposed to the elements of ever changing winds…. Unless, this location was the land tip of a large horse shoe shaped gulf, or river junction, with a land bridge extending to Thasos and then the present day mainland, in which case this location would have represented an ideal protective point governing the entire gulf for a navy embarking with prevailing south-westerly winds ….
Samothraki Meta Map: Magic Mountain’s Meta-Physical Mysticism & Mysteries

Map of Meta Path -the path of Wisdom in search of Nature’s Divine Spirits, and the Secret Mystical Majik of the Kabeiroi… Samothraki Island… and the path of the Wanderer….
Paths Go…
Trails Go…
To Where, only You will Know,
As Your Destiny isn’t Foretold,
So Choose the Way Your Journey Unfolds…
to the Temple, in the Sanctuary of the Kabeiroi,
Great Gods of Divine Nature….
Ryan Ol
This Beach is the Path of the Mountain Magic Wanderer…. Follow and Share for future episodes… the Journey of the Mountain Magic Wanderer here… #MountainMagicWanderer
Or on Instagram… @MagiMouSea Thank you Ryan OL @RyanOL.1
About Ryan OL…
Magic Mountain in the Sea… A Special Place for You and Me, We Love You Samothraki… … #MagicMountainSea To view video ‘Who We Are…?’ please click and scroll down to bottom of page …For an immersive guide to this Island Paradise of Magic Moments, Samothraki, The Magic Mountain in the Sea, … see Pinterest… …to see more amazing wonders Google Search ‘Samothraki Magic’…
Lost Path…

Lost Path… Through the Ancient City’s Main Gate… From Sunken Harbour… #MountainMagicWanderer, in search of the secret ancient rituals of the Kabeiroi…. Durch das Stadttor… Vom versunkenen Hafen … Magischer Berg im Meer… Zagubiona ścieżka… Przez bramę miejską… Z Zatopionego Portu … Czarodziejska góra na morzu, Samotraki Izgubljena pot … Skozi City Gate … Iz potopljenega pristanišča … Čarobna gora v morju, Samotraki Lost Path … Attraverso City Gate … Dal porto sommerso … Magic Mountain in the Sea, Samotracia Затерянный путь… Через городские ворота… Из затонувшей гавани … Волшебная гора в море, Самотраки Изгубен път … През City Gate … От потъналото пристанище … Вълшебна планина в морето, Самотраки Camí perdut …
A través de City Gate … Des del port enfonsat … Muntanya màgica al mar, Samothraki Втрачений шлях … Через Міські ворота … З затонулої гавані … Чарівна гора в морі, Самотраки

Längster Wandumfang in der griechischen Antike… In Eile errichtete massive Mauern, die den Tempel, das Heiligtum und die Stadt umgeben… zum Schutz vor …? Invasoren aus der Bronzezeit …? Oder …? Die längsten Mauern der vorhellenischen Antike …
Angrenzend an den vielleicht größten Hafen der vorhellenischen Antike … WAS WAR dieser Ort …?
Longest Wall Perimeter in Greek Antiquity…
Massive walls built in a hurry, surrounding the Temple, Sanctuary, and City… to protect against…? Bronze-Age invaders …? Or …?
The longest walls in Pre-Hellenic Antiquity… Adjacent to perhaps the largest harbour in Pre-Hellenic Antiquity…
This place was certainly an important centre of civilization, but exactly WHAT was it…?
Thank you @Russman.x …
Η μεγαλύτερη περίμετρος τοίχου στην ελληνική αρχαιότητα… Τεράστια τείχη χτισμένα βιαστικά, γύρω από το Ναό, το Ιερό και την Πόλη… για προστασία από…; εισβολείς της Εποχής του Χαλκού…; Ή …? Τα μεγαλύτερα τείχη στην Προελληνική Αρχαιότητα … Δίπλα στο ίσως το μεγαλύτερο λιμάνι της Προελληνικής Αρχαιότητας …
ΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ αυτό το μέρος …;
Cel mai lung perimetru de perete din antichitatea greacă … Ziduri masive construite în grabă, care înconjoară Templul, Sanctuarul și Orașul … să te protejezi împotriva …? invadatorilor din epoca bronzului …? Sau …? Cele mai lungi ziduri din antichitatea pre-elenă … Adiacent probabil celui mai mare port din antichitatea pre-elenă … CE A FOST acest loc …?
Walls and Temple, Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Mountain Mother Axieros

Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Magic Mountain Not much remains, within the material plane, while the metaphysical, remains abundant & plentiful, the slopes beckon for all to reckon…… Samothrace Mount Saos, Magic Mountain in the Sea… Τείχη & Ναός, Ιερό των Μεγάλων Θεών, Μαγικό Όρος Δεν μένουν πολλά, στο υλικό επίπεδο, ενώ το μετα-φυσικό, παραμένει άφθονο και άφθονο, οι πλαγιές καλούν όλους να υπολογίσουν …… Το μαγικό βουνό της Σαμοθράκης στη Θάλασσα… Стени и храм, Светилището на Великите богове, Вълшебната планина Не остава много в материалната равнина, докато метафизиката остава изобилна и изобилна, склоновете приканват всички да си помислят … Вълшебната планина на Самотраки в морето … 壁と寺院、偉大なる神々の聖域、マジックマウンテン 物質界にはあまり残っていませんが、 形而上学的でありながら、豊富で豊富なままですが、 ゲレンデはすべての人に数えられるように手招きします…… 海のサモトラキ島マジックマウンテン… Duvarlar ve Tapınak, Büyük Tanrıların Sığınağı, Büyülü Dağ Malzeme düzleminde fazla bir şey kalmadı, meta-fiziksel, bol ve bol kalırken, yamaçlar herkesin hesaba katması için çağırıyor …… Denizdeki Semadirek Büyülü Dağ… Muros y Templo, Santuario de los Grandes Dioses, Montaña Mágica No queda mucho, en el plano material, mientras que lo metafísico, sigue siendo abundante y abundante, las pistas atraen a todos para que las tengan en cuenta …… Montaña mágica de Samotracia en el mar … Mauern & Tempel, Heiligtum der großen Götter, Magic Mountain Auf der materiellen Ebene bleibt nicht viel übrig. während das metaphysische, reichlich vorhanden und reichlich bleibt, Die Pisten laden alle ein, damit zu rechnen …… Samothrake Magic Mountain im Meer… Σαμοθράκης, Σαµοθράκη, サモトラキ, Samothraki , Samothrace, Spiritualität, poetry, 詩, #詩華, стихи, poezie, poesia, bigmountain dreams, paranormal, spirituelles, 富士山 , 山 #부산, forbidden knowledge, ancient mystery, Metaphysics, esoteric, meta, shintoism, 歴史, archaeological site, #考古学, archaeology, arkeoloji, ancient world , Ancient Greece meta, metaphysical, 形而上学的형이상학 적 , метафизический, metafizic métaphysique, metaphysisch, paranormal, паранормальный, 超常現象, 초자연적 인, paranormale, parallel universe, Temple Museum, Sanctuary of Great Gods…
Divine Nature’s Epi-Centre of Worship since the Dawn of Mankind…

The Magical Attraction of Magnetism
At this Temple the Kabeiroi received Pilgrimages, revered with homage by Royalty, from every where in the surrounding ancient world…The Thracian Balkan Hinterlands, the Macedonians, the northern, western and southern coast of Asia Minor, the Egyptian Ptolemites, the Greek City States, and the Romans…
Αξιοθεατο Μαγνητισμός της μαγείας Σε αυτόν τον ναό οι Καβείροι δέχτηκαν προσκυνήματα, σεβαστά με φόρο τιμής από την Royalty, από κάθε σημείο του γύρω αρχαίου κόσμου… Οι Θρακικές Βαλκανικές ενδοχώρα, οι Μακεδόνες, οι βόρειες, δυτικές και νότιες ακτές της Μικράς Ασίας, οι Αιγύπτιοι Πτολεμαίοι, τα κράτη της Ελληνικής Πόλης , και οι Ρωμαίοι…
Attraktion Magnetismus der Magie In diesem Tempel empfingen die Kabeiroi Pilgerfahrten, die von Königen mit Ehrerbietung verehrt wurden, aus allen Teilen der umliegenden Antike. Das Hinterland des Thrakischen Balkans, die Mazedonier, die Nord-, West- und Südküste Kleinasiens, die ägyptischen Ptolemiter und die griechischen Stadtstaaten und die Römer …
Attrazione Magnetismo della magia In questo tempio i Kabeiroi ricevevano pellegrinaggi, venerati con omaggio dai reali, da ogni parte del mondo antico circostante … L’entroterra balcanico della Tracia, i Macedoni, la costa dell’Asia Minore, i Tolemiti egiziani, le città-stato greche , e i romani …
достопримечательности Магнетизм магии В этом храме кабейры принимали паломничества, почитаемые с почтением королевской семьи, из всех мест окружающего древнего мира… Фракийские балканские внутренние земли, македонцы, северное, западное и южное побережье Малой Азии, египетские птолемеи, греческие города-государства , и римляне
Ναός των Μεγάλων Θεών
Περιηγήσεις βίντεο: Ανακατασκευές 3D Vitual Reality
Το μαγικό βουνό της Σαμοθράκης στη θάλασσα
Tempel der großen Götter
Videotouren: 3D-Rekonstruktionen der spirituellen Realität
Samothrace Magic Mountain im Meer

Temple of the Great Gods
Video Tours: 3D Vitual Reality Reconstructions
Samothrace Magic Mountain in the Sea
Click on Link or image to watch the video walk through of the Temple and Ritual Site…
3-D Video Production: Ministry of Culture, Greece, New York University Institute of Fine Arts, Emory University Art History, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Ephoreia of Antiquities of Evros, National Endowment for the Humanities…
Bonna D. Wescoat, archaeology, executive producer; William Size, geology; Vicki Hertzberg, statistics; Michael Page, geography; Ian Burr, 3-D Visuals; Anandi Salinas Copyright disclaimer: All rights retained by owners of images or video featured. Please Direct Message for Credit, Collaboration, and Publicity.
위대한 신들의 사원
비디오 투어 : 3D 가상 현실 재구성
바다의 사모 트라이 스 매직 마운틴 Archaeological Excavations and Museum of Samothrace
Temple des grands dieux
Visites vidéo: Reconstructions de réalité virtuelle 3D
Montagne magique de Samothrace dans la mer
Tanrılar Tapınağı
Video Turları: 3D Sanal Gerçeklik Yeniden Yapılandırmaları
Denizdeki Semadirek Büyülü Dağ
Храм Великих Богов
Видеотуры: реконструкции трехмерной визуальной реальности
Самофракия Волшебная гора в море
Templo de los Grandes Dioses
Recorridos en vídeo: reconstrucciones de realidad virtual en 3D
Montaña mágica de Samotracia en el mar

Pre Bronze Age Walls…?
PRE-BRONZE AGE WALLS…? Older than Knossos or Butrint? Kabiri in Sumerian means Copper (in Hitite /Phyrgian means Great) and mythological Hephaestus worked the flames of the underworld here as black smith of metallurgy… Walls perhaps predating those of hillside megalithic settlement at Vrychos, also characterised by huge stone boulder walls without mortar… described aptly by Lehman as ‘Cyclopean’, ‘The great stone walls at such ancient sites are called cyclopean because the stones are so massive that it was assumed only a superhuman race such as Cyclopes could have achieved such a feat…’ (Webster Dictionary Example of Usage). Are the walls and construction surrounding the ancient Sanctuary of the Great Gods, more crude (and thus perhaps older?) than either nearby Minoan iron/copper trading Mikro-Vouni or Trakyian Vrychos, dating perhaps before 5,000 BC?
Τείχη πριν από την εποχή του χαλκού…Κατασκευάστηκε περισσότερο Ακατέργαστο και ίσως Παλαιότερο από την Αρχαία Κνωσό και το Βουθρωτό…; Ίσως αυτά τα τείχη να προηγούνται της μινωικής εμπορικής θέσης στο Μικρό-Βουνί στη νοτιοδυτική πλευρά του νησιού, το οποίο προοριζόταν για την εμπορία μετάλλων: σίδηρος, χαλκός; Ο Kabiri στα Sumerian σημαίνει Copper (στα Hitite / Pyrgian σημαίνει Great) και ο μυθολογικός Hephaestus δούλεψε τις φλόγες του κάτω κόσμου ως black smith για τη μεταλλουργία… «Τα μεγάλα πέτρινα τείχη σε τέτοιες αρχαίες τοποθεσίες ονομάζονται κυκλώπειες επειδή οι πέτρες είναι τόσο μαζικές που ήταν Υποθέτω ότι μόνο ένας υπεράνθρωπος αγώνας όπως οι Κύκλωπες θα μπορούσε να έχει επιτύχει ένα τέτοιο κατόρθωμα… «Τα τείχη και η κατασκευή που περιβάλλει το αρχαίο Ιερό των Μεγάλων Θεών είναι πιο ακατέργαστα (και ίσως ίσως παλαιότερα;) από το Μικρό-Βουνί ή το Βρύχο, που χρονολογούνται ίσως πριν από 5.000 Π.Χ.…

Especially puzzling is why this location would demand such a large infrastructure investment in its island location exposed to the elements of ever changing winds…. Unless, this location was the land tip of a large horse shoe shaped gulf, with a land bridge extending to Thasos and then the present day mainland, in which case this location would have represented an ideal protective point governing the entire gulf for a navy embarking with prevailing south-westerly winds… Or alternatively, as a key strategic location at the ‘Y’ junction of the east-west and north-south waterways of that era. The map reconstruction above shows the likely geography of the land before the earthquakes and flooding that occurred in 9,600 BC, as reconstructed from geological records. Events confirmed by an elderly Egyptian priest in his account of Atlantis to the Greek Statesman, Solon, in the 6th century BC, and also mentioned in the The Dialogues of Plato .
Gateways to Ancient Spiritual Mysteries…

What Secrets Lay Beyond these Gates in Ancient Walls Built Before the Bronze Age ?
Before Romans, Before Greeks, Before Thracians…? By Pelagasians… The ‘First Men’….? Follow this path to the Mysteries of Mankind’s Earliest Meta-Physical History… in Search of the Kabeiroi…. Through the ‘Sun Gate… ‘

The Last Demi-God, conceived here, by Kabieri Conception & Fertility Rituals …
Know the Kabeiroi… The Last Demi-God…? Alexander the Great… Born of Kaviri Conception Ritual… Alexander’s Conquests 323 B.C. … Throughout the course of history, the untold powers of the Kabeiroi, manifested in Alexander’s conception ritual, were coveted by every empire that dominated the region of Samothrace: Greek, Macedonian, Ptolemite Egyptian, Roman, Byzantine, Genovese, Ottoman, British, German, USA…

King Phillip the Second of Macedon in keeping with tradition, journeyed across the sea in pilgrimage every year to the Temple. One year he met and fell and love with the beautiful princess Olympia of Epirus. Together they engaged in the fertility rituals of the Kaberoi, and produced a son.
At the age of 13 at a country fair, the son pleaded with the King to permit him to take home a fierce wild black stallion that no one could go near, tame, or ride. The King laughed and agreed on condition that his son ride the stallion home.
The young boy accepted the challenge. Approaching gently, the boy reached an understanding with the stallion by whispering to it, and rode the stallion home. Henceforth the two became un-separable. The stallion would permit no other to person to ride him, and would permit the boy to ride no other horse. In this way, together, the two travelled to the four corners of the known world by the time the young man was 23 years old. A remarkable feat… but what is truly astonishing, is that together they led an all-conquering army of the entire world. A feat never accomplished before nor afterwards. Some say they never lost a battle. Such were the barely believable deeds, not of a man, but of a demigod, the last demigod. Conceived here at the Temple, in Kabeiroi Fertility Ritual. Mankind has forever since referred to him as Alexander, the Great, and his steed, the Stallion Bucephalus.
το τελευταίο…Alexander…. The Most Notable Demi-God of Modern History…? Since his reign, EVERY dominant ruling empire of mankind has sought the secrets of the Kabeiras Fertility Rites & Rituals that produced HIM…from the consummation of Phillip and Olympia’s initiation, at the Temple of Great Gods… there has never been ANOTHER, conquering the entire expanse of the known world in ten years, by the age of 23, Alexander, and bonded steed Bucephalus… Καταλήφθηκε στο τελετουργικό γονιμότητας των μεγάλων θεών..
Γνωρίστε τους Kabeiroi… ήταν ο τελευταίος θεός,,, Μέγας Αλέξανδρος Γεννήθηκε από την τελετουργική σύλληψης Kaberoi … Κατακτήσεις του Αλεξάνδρου 323 π.Χ. … Καθ ‘όλη την πορεία της ιστορίας, οι ανείπωτες δυνάμεις των Καβείρων περιζήτησαν κάθε αυτοκρατορία που κυριαρχούσε στην περιοχή της Σαμοθράκης: Ελληνικά, Μακεδονικά, Πτολεμαίους Αιγύπτιοι, Ρωμαίοι, Βυζαντινοί, Γενοβέζοι, Οθωμανοί, Βρετανοί, Γερμανικοί, ΗΠΑ…
Conosci il Kabeiroi … L’ultimo Demi-Dio …? Alessandro Magno Nato dal rituale della concezione kaberoi … Le conquiste di Alessandro 323 a.C. … Nel corso della storia, gli innumerevoli poteri dei Kabeiroi sono stati ambiti da ogni impero che ha dominato la regione di Samotracia: greco, macedone, tolemita egiziano, romano, bizantino, genovese, ottomano, britannico, tedesco, USA …
Poznaj Kabeiroi… Ostatni półbóg…? Aleksander Wielki Zrodzony z rytuału poczęcia Kaberoi …
Alexanders Eroberungen 323 v. … Im Laufe der Geschichte wurden die unermesslichen Mächte der Kabeiroi von jedem Reich begehrt, das die Region Samothrake beherrschte: Griechisch, Mazedonisch, Ptolemitisch-Ägyptisch, Römisch, Byzantinisch, Genuesisch, Osmanisch, Britisch, Deutsch, USA…
カベイロイを知って… 最後の半神…? アレキサンダー大王 カベイロスコンセプションリチュア ル生まれ… アレキサンダーの征服紀元前323年 … 歴史の中で、カベイロイの莫大な力は、サモトラケの地域を支配したすべての帝国によって切望されていました:ギリシャ、マケドニア、プトレマイトエジプト、ローマ、ビザンチン、ジェノベーゼ、オスマン、イギリス、ドイツ、アメリカ…
Kabeiroi를 아십시오… 마지막 반신…? 알렉산더 대왕 Kaberoi Conception Ritual에서 태어났습니다…. 알렉산더의 정복 B.C.323 … 역사의 과정에서 Kabeiroi의 엄청난 세력은 그리스, 마케도니아, 프 톨레 마이트 이집트인, 로마인, 비잔틴, 제노 베스, 오스만, 영국, 독일, 미국 등 사모 트라 세 지역을 지배 한 모든 제국에 의해 탐났습니다.
ncient History Mystery Mythology, Archaeology Geology Sanctuary of Great Gods Kabeiroi, Spiritual awakening higher consciousness, Psychic ability, Spiritual wellbeing, Poetry Humour, Greece προστασία της φύσης Σαµοθράκη @magimousea
The Enigma of Creation…
Universally regarded as the greatest work of art produced by mankind’s civilisation of the last 10,000 years, there is no conclusive evidence nor agreement among scholars about where, when, why nor by whom she was created…. The statue of the Goddess of Victory of the Battle of Winds, originally placed for for worship in the realm of her reign on the island of Samothraki, on the heights of Paleopoli, in the Temple at the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, above the Coliseum of the Winds… this is Nike Kaberoi…

The artistic conception and styling, reveals traces from more than one period, from more than one school of technique, attributed to more than one sculptor, without conclusive unanimous agreement and certainty among scholars…
Her origin remains an enigma, as enigmatic as the origin of the Winds themselves….

Now renamed Nike, Winged Victory of Samothrace… the origins of her worship date back to the stone age, as the winged Goddess of Winds… In those earliest pre-historic times the Goddess of the Winds was also revered for spreading pollen and seeds. and so was also worshipped as the Goddess of Fertility… which is why Fertility Rituals were carried out at the Temple….
Nike Embodies the Forces of Divine Nature…

Winds Blow…ubiquitous, invisible, infinite energy kinetic…
Sitting at the key cross-roads of tectonic plates, tidal currents, and wind flows, Mount Saos is the key landmark around which the weather swirls and battles. Here above the sunken ancient harbour of ancient Samothraki town, near present day Palaipoli, on the Heights above the Temple of Great Gods, the winds battle and swirl every which way at once… It was here for six thousand years or more, the local seafarers and sea-travellers came to pray for protection and permission to cross the seas from the Kabeiroi Goddess of Victory of the Battle of the Winds…Nike… for her guarantee of safe passage….
Άνεμοι …
πανταχού παρούσα, αόρατη, κινητική απεριόριστης ενέργειας…
Καθισμένος στα βασικά σταυροδρόμια τεκτονικών πλακών, παλιρροιακών ρευμάτων και ροών ανέμου, το Όρος Σάος είναι το βασικό ορόσημο γύρω από το οποίο ο καιρός στροβιλίζεται και μάχεται. Εδώ πάνω από το βυθισμένο αρχαίο λιμάνι της αρχαίας πόλης της Σαμοθράκης, κοντά στην σημερινή Παλαιάπολη, στα ύψη πάνω από το ναό των Μεγάλων Θεών, οι άνεμοι μάχονται και στροβιλίζονται με κάθε τρόπο αμέσως … Ήταν εδώ για έξι χιλιάδες χρόνια ή περισσότερο, οι ντόπιοι ναυτικοί και οι ταξιδιώτες στη θάλασσα ήρθαν να προσευχηθούν για προστασία και άδεια να διασχίσουν τις θάλασσες από τη θεά της νίκης της μάχης των ανέμων Kabeiroi… Νίκη… για την εγγύηση της ασφαλούς διέλευσης….

Gusting clockwise and then counter clockwise, circling the island Mountain on their whim, only She governs how Winds Blow on Samothrace…

The Heights of Paleopoli, where the Winds Clash Fiercest, will over power a man from his footing on earth, gusting from all directions at once, with a roar so loud and strong, to deafen for so long… Here Nike Kabeiroi, Goddess of Victory of the Battle of the Winds… reigned Supreme, in the Colliseum of the Winds, above the Temple, in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods Kabeiroi, on the Heights of Paleopoli, under the watchful gaze of her Saoki Mountain Mother …
Τα ύψη της Παλαιόπολης, όπου το Winds Clash Fiercest, θα εξουδετερώσει έναν άνθρωπο από το πόδι του στη γη, ριπάζοντας από όλες τις κατευθύνσεις ταυτόχρονα, με έναν βρυχηθμό τόσο δυνατό και δυνατό, για κωφούς για τόσο καιρό… Εδώ Nike Kabeiroi, θεά της νίκης της μάχης των ανέμων… βασίλεψε το Ανώτατο, στο Κολοσσαίο των ανέμων, πάνω από το Ναό, στο Ιερό των Μεγάλων Θεών Kabeiroi, στα ύψη της Παλαιόπολης, κάτω από το άγρυπνο βλέμμα της Μητέρας της στο βουνό Saoki…
風が激しく衝突するパレオポリの高さは、地球上の彼の足場から男を圧倒し、すべての方向から一気に突進し、非常に大声で強く咆哮し、長い間ディフェンディングします… 風の戦いの…風のコロシアム、寺院の上、偉大な神々の聖域、カベイロス、パレオポリの高さ、サオキマウンテンマザーの注意深い視線の下で、最高に君臨しました…
Las alturas de Paleopoli, donde los vientos chocan más ferozmente, dominarán a un hombre desde su posición en la tierra, brotando de todas las direcciones a la vez, con un rugido tan fuerte y fuerte, para ensordecer durante tanto tiempo … Aquí Nike Kabeiroi, diosa de la victoria de la Batalla de los Vientos … reinó Supremo, en el Coliseo de los Vientos, sobre el Templo, en el Santuario de los Grandes Dioses Kabeiroi, en las Alturas de Paleopoli, bajo la atenta mirada de su Madre de la Montaña Saoki …
Mountain Mother’s Magnetic Attraction Embodies Electro-Magnetic Forces…
Great Goddess, Mother of the Rocks, Mother Mountain, Axcieros…

Axis of Twisting Tectonic Plates…?
Paleomagnetic chronology rotation on Samothraki is the largest ever measured… Paleo-Magnetic Data is Contradictory, A-Typical, Mystifying… Magnetic Mountain…
Άξονας περιστρεφόμενων τεκτονικών πλακών…; Η παλαιομαγνητική χρονολογική περιστροφή στη Σαμοθράκη είναι η μεγαλύτερη που μετρήθηκε ποτέ… Μαγνητικό βουνό…
Asse delle placche tettoniche torcenti …? La rotazione della cronologia paleomagnetica su Samotracia è la più grande mai misurata … Montagna magnetica …

뒤틀린 지각판의 축…? Samothraki의 고 자기 연대기 회전은 지금까지 측정 된 최대 규모입니다. 마그네틱 마운틴…
ねじれた構造プレートの軸…? サモトラキ島の古地磁気年代学の回転は、これまでに測定された中で最大です… マグネティックマウンテン…
Ось изгибающихся тектонических плит…? Вращение по палеомагнитной хронологии на Самотраки является крупнейшим из когда-либо измеренных. Магнитная гора…
Achse der verdrehten tektonischen Platten…? Die paläomagnetische Rotation der Chronologie auf Samothraki ist die größte, die jemals gemessen wurde… Magnetischer Berg…
The Sanctuary was respected as a refuge for shelter and protection since the earliest times. The Last King of Macedon sought refuge in the Temple in the Sanctuary when fleeing the Romans. The Romans ignored the privileged status of the Temple. After capturing the King, the Romans stationed two guards outside the building he was imprisoned in. That night in a thunderstorm the guards were struck by lightening.
The electro-magnetic forces of lightning continue to reveal themselves in remarkable ways to this day. There is a strip of coastline below the mountain’s peak where the rivers empty that is the location of an extraordinary high frequency of ligthning strikes, as the trees clearly show, having had their upper branches blasted and burned.

The great storm of 2017, produced a Thunderhead more than twice the average recorded size for this type of cloud formation… can you see the island mountain in the picture above?
Peak Electro-Magnetic Mount Saos… extreme and exceptional atmospheric reactions of the cosmic-solar atmosphere above swirling molten magnetic magma core… below the crack in tectonic plates 3200 meters below on the seabed of the North Aegean Trench earth quake fault line… This Thunderhead from the Great Storm of 2017…reaching an altitude multiple magnitude greater than average nimbus… YES the island is in the picture… CAN YOU SEE IT…???
Untold Secrets Unfold… a Journey of Light through Darkness… Kaberoi Rituals

Rituals were conducted in an unknown ancient language until 300 A.D, when outlawed by the Roman Emperor Constantine; Greek lettering was adapted and applied, early upon introduction to the ancient Greeks… but the spoken and written language has never been translated… and remains unknown… ‘Samothrace, A Guide to the Excavations and the Museum’, Karl Lehman
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1998
The Trinity of the Goddess of the Mother Mountain and two males has remarkable similarities common in the ancient Hittite pantheon, and the worship of Kybele and Sopha in the ancient world and among Egyptians, and in mythology of Babylonian Queen, that wed her son and conceived her grandson, citing Divine Conception, to continue her reign and descendant’s dynasty in power.

Worship of the Bull was central to Ancient Belief, but are these Bucranes half goat and half bull, or representations of the ‘Beast’ itself, in keeping with this religious site’s ongoing association with the UnderWorld..?
Dawn to Dusk to Dawn… The Temple in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods of Divine Nature…
Temple Musueum at Dusk… magical energies of nature…the nexus of astro-interactions emanating from deep within the planet’s core…the pinnacle of civilisation’s homage to mysterious, invisible forces, and divine dimensions of nature… glimpse how our ancient forefathers celebrated the mysteries of Divine Nature, the Kabeiroi, the Great Gods…

The Temple of the Great Gods, Divine Elements of Nature, the Kabeiroi, also known today by various spellings…Kaberoi, Kaviri, Caberoi, Caviri….
Today the Divine Dimensions of Nature on the Magic Mountain in the Sea are enjoyed by pilgrims for Spiritual Awakening, Alternative Consciousness, Holistic Wellbeing, Thermal Spas, Wild Waters and Natural Foods, Outdoorsmanship in Nature, and Inspiration by Scientists, Nature Conservationists, Naturalists, Ecotourists, Artists, Musicians, Trekkers, Backpackers, Canyoners, Snorkelers, Sports Fishermen, Hikers, Cyclists, inner city youth, the elderly, indeed everyone seeking escape from the multi-dimensional pollution of the man-made environments where they suffer in normal life, to cleanse and heal body, mind, and spirit …
…in #DivineNature.
Since the dawn of time celebrations at the temple reflect the recognised responsibility of Man-Kind, to respect and protect Divine Nature in all its Dimensions… including those channels that have mysteriously nurtured and nourished civilisation by imbuing new knowledge into the collective consciousness of ManKind… The full range and spectrum of those channels was sought after by the ancient Priests of Atlantis, the Alchemists, and referred to as Universal Knowledge….

Today’s visitors and disciples typically participate in and experience by offering themselves to Nature – walking, sleeping, eating and living closely with the Mountain, Winds, and Waters…
Today the Divine Dimensions of Nature in all its Dimensions are enjoyed by visitors following the footsteps of the pilgrims of ancient times….

Since the Dawn of Time, Celebrations at the Temple reflect the recognised Duty of Man to Respect the Dimensions of Divine Nature and these Mysterious Influences from which Civilisation has been Nourished.
These strange mysteries that have arrived into the collective conscious of man, through mysterious and unknown channels. The same wide and full spectrum of knowledge channels sought and referred to as Universal Knowledge by the ancient Priests of Atlantis.

” In the Universe there is a core from which all knowledge is received’…. Nichola Tesla
The Quest for Channeling Universal Knowledge should not come as a surprise to any of us…
As explained by perhaps the greatest inventor in the history of mankind’s technological advancement, Nicholas Tesla, when he said:
“ My Brain is only a Receiver, in the Universe there is a Core from which we obtain Knowledge, Strength, and Inspiration.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade, than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nicholas Tesla
… and so priests, throughout civilisation’s history, have long been on a quest to tap and channel universal knowledge,
…as evidently the alchemists from Atlantis, that settled here on Samothraki, used this place for their temple, with it’s electro-,agentic vulcanism as their hearth, furnace, and forge, to transform themselves into the the higher dimensions….

Alchemists of Atlantis
The alchemists of the middle ages are famous in modern times for their pursuit of transforming lead into silver and rocks into gold. Isaac Newton devoted his early life to the study of alchemy from the pharmacy shop he worked in, combined with the study of numerology in the Holy Bible’s Book of Genesis, before being embroiled in a fever and fix for months, where upon the great treatise emerged from within his mind, that today governs our understanding of the laws of motion of the universe…. The Alchemists of Atlantis were priests known as the Magi that endeavored at becoming one with the universe through an understanding of universal knowledge, that was not limited to scientific methodology, but instead extended in scope to the full spectrum of knowledge imbuement, including transmission through intuition, often referred to as natural instinct today, and played a key role. Such knowledge imbuement is also referred to in the statements of the untrained and uneducated genius inventor Nicola Tesla… (see above). The Magi of Atlantis were particularly interested in Fire and the Sun, and by natural inference, the study of what today is known as electro-magnetism. With the demise of Atlantis, the Magi or Alchemists of Atlantis migrated to other locations chosen for their purpose of quest for universal knowledge…. Thus it is no coincidence that in classical Greek Mythology Hephaestus worked the flames of the underworld here on Samothraki as black smith of metallurgy… Nor should it be a surprise that magnetic Iron Rings served as a key Kabeiroi ritual token and symbol of Axcieros (Axieros), Great Goddess Mother Mountain…
Divine Miracles and Disciples…

On the peak above the bay of Pachia Amos, marking the place where a seafarer’s icon of Holy Mother Mary would miraculously return to repeatedly, after found washed up on the beach hundreds of meters below…Sofpha’s Divine Miracles of Mother Mary… The Chapel of Panagia Krimniotissa… Samothraki, Evros, Greece…. and the landing where St Paul first stepped forth onto the European continent… Ano Meria, Samothraki…
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